SAVE THE DATE for the next SITEX.Network Workshop on …

Update of the SITEX.Network’s Social Science and Citizen Science Strategic Research Agenda (SRA) on Radioactive Waste Management (RWM) Friday, April 16th – 9:30 to 18:00 CET The SITEX.Network organizes a Workshop in order to prepare an update of its Social...

SITEX.Network Topical Day 2020 on Deep Borehole Repositories

The second SITEX.Network Topical day, held on 25th of November 2020, was devoted to Deep Borehole Repository (DBR) concept. In total 49 participants registered for the virtual event from very different organizations: TSOs, REs, WMOs, RBs and Civil society...

SITEX.Network Topical Day 2020 on Deep Borehole Repositories

  Announcement   Download our flyer with updated agenda For the second Topical Day 2020, SITEX.Network has the pleasure to invite Prof. Klaus-Jürgen Röhlig (TU Clausthal, Germany) as a keynote speaker on Deep Borehole Repository. In addition, Muriel Rocher...