The second SITEX.Network Topical day, held on 25th of November 2020, was devoted to Deep Borehole Repository (DBR) concept. In total 49 participants registered for the virtual event from very different organizations: TSOs, REs, WMOs, RBs and Civil society organizations. The objective of the event was to discuss different viewpoints among stakeholders about current developments on DBR from perspective of safety issues, social concerns, R&D needs and regulatory framework. As an inputs two presentations were given: external keynote by Klaus-Jürgen Röhlig, TU Clausthal and literature review made by SITEX.Network.
The discussion in five small break out groups composed by variety of audiences tried to answer two main questions: what are advantages and disadvantage of DBR concept compared to a centralized “mined-type” facility and can the obstacles be overcome by R&D. The SITEX.Network intend to publish the review report “Deep Borehole Repository (DBR) of HLW – State of knowledge” with information received during the topical day next year.