In the frame of its benchmarking activities related to the development and review process of a Safety Case supporting decisions in the pre-licensing period of a geological disposal of radioactive waste, the SITEX.Network organises a second meeting on April 12-13th.

During the first meeting in November 2020, FANC (the Belgian regulator) representatives presented a fictive safety case that they prepared and they collected the comments of the participants. The workshop gathered stakeholders with very different backgrounds: representatives from regulatory bodies, representatives from Technical Support Organisations (TSOs), and Civil Society (CS) experts.

The objective of the second meeting will be to discuss the new version of the safety case that has been updated by FANC and takes into consideration the comments, suggestions and questions of the participants in the first meeting. The stakeholders will try to agree on some common positions in respect to the strengths and weaknesses of the fictive safety case and how to go forward in the decision process.

You can find here the Agenda_SITEX_benchmark_2nd_meeting as well as the SITEX_benchmark_Project description .