Members of the SITEX will present the SITEX.Network during a EURAD Lunch and Learn session on June 30th, from 13:00 to 14:00 CEST – recorded session available here.
The SITEX initiative, which stands for Sustainable network for Independent Technical EXpertise on radioactive waste management, was launched in 2012. What for? Who are we now ? What are we doing? This talk will shed light on the main features of SITEX and its main achievements.
- Delphine Pellegrini, Chair of SITEX.Network, Head of IRSN (French TSO) Research and Safety Assessment Department for Radioactive Waste Management and Transfers in the Geosphere
- Nadja Zeleznik, Chair of NTW, EIMV (Slovenian TSO) Senior Researcher
- Frederic Bernier, Federal Agency for Nuclear Control (Belgian Regulatory Authority) Senior Expert