News, Events & Updates
SITEX.Network Topical Day – 12 December 2022
Feedback on PEP serious game experiences and future development The SITEX.Network Topical Day this year will be on the Pathway Evaluation Process (PEP) taking place in December. If you are willing to participate, please register at the following address:...
EURAD L&L session on pros and cons of the DBR concept by Muriel Rocher (IRSN)
The “European Joint Programme on Radioactive Management” (EURAD) funded by the European Union, dedicated to improve the radioactive waste management in Europe by identifying relevant topics of research, is holding a Lunch & Learn (L&L) sessions regularly on...
Webinar on innovative projects in support of deep geological disposal
In the framework of the “Investments for the Future” Programme funded by the French government, Andra supports 29 R&D projects dedicated to the optimisation of post dismantling radioactive waste management. Some of the innovation developed in this framework are in...
SITEX.Network – A plurality of views for a strengthened RWM safety
Members of the SITEX will present the SITEX.Network during a EURAD Lunch and Learn session on June 30th, from 13:00 to 14:00 CEST - recorded session available here. The SITEX initiative, which stands for Sustainable network for Independent Technical EXpertise on...
SITEX.Network position paper on the EURAD SRA update process
The SITEX.Network has published a position paper gathering views from the EURAD TSO College about the process to be developed for the upcoming update of the EURAD Strategic Research Agenda (SRA). This position paper, as well as those published by IGD-TP (coordinating...
A serious game to speak about Radioactive Waste Management at the University of Liege, in Belgium
On April 24th, more than 80 students in political sciences and engineering at the University of Liege (Belgium) met together with several representatives from the Federal Agency for Nuclear Control (FANC) and Bel’V to play a 'serious game' session on the topic of...
SITEX.Network welcomes AIE as a new member!
The Austrian Institute of Ecology (AIE) joins the SITEX.Network strengthening the "German speaking minority" of our association. The AIE is an association rooted historically in the environmental movement of Austria combining science with policy and has been founded...
Just released: a multi-stakeholder study of accidents at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) in 2014 [in French only]
IRSN, together with Jean-Dominique Boutin, citizen geographer, and Laura Gratton, independent citizen engineer, released a pluralistic analysis of the accidents that occurred in 2014 at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP), a transuranic radioactive waste disposal...
SITEX.Network Benchmark on Reviewing Approaches – Workshop 2 on April 12-13
In the frame of its benchmarking activities related to the development and review process of a Safety Case supporting decisions in the pre-licensing period of a geological disposal of radioactive waste, the SITEX.Network organises a second meeting on April 12-13th....
SAVE THE DATE for the next SITEX.Network Workshop on …
Update of the SITEX.Network’s Social Science and Citizen Science Strategic Research Agenda (SRA) on Radioactive Waste Management (RWM) Friday, April 16th - 9:30 to 18:00 CET The SITEX.Network organizes a Workshop in order to prepare an update of its Social Science and...
EURAD lunchtime events – keep be informed
The EURAD project offers lunch-and-learn sessions on several nuclear waste management related topics. These lunch-time-events are informal meetings organised every last Wednesday of the month from 13.00 to 14.00 CET. SITEX.Network members are welcome. Upcoming...
SITEX.Network participation to the 2021 Aarhus Convention and Nuclear (ACN) Roundtable on RWM
The ACN (Aarhus Convention and Nuclear) participatory process was initiated in early 2008 by the European Commission Directorate General for Energy ( DG ENER ) together with Nuclear Transparency Watch. The aim of the ACN process is to investigate the implementation in...