The “European Joint Programme on Radioactive Management” (EURAD) funded by the European Union, dedicated to improve the radioactive waste management in Europe by identifying relevant topics of research, is holding a Lunch & Learn (L&L) sessions regularly on specific topics to help the knowledge circulation among the different types of actors involved in the Programme (Waste Management Organizations, Technical Support Organizations, Research Entities and Civil Society experts).

On 19 May 2022 a L&L session was held by Muriel Rocher from IRSN (Sitex.Network member) on the Deep Borehole Repository (DBR) concept for high-level radioactive waste :Deep Bore Hole report – SITEX.Network(report).
The state-of-knowledge and pros and cons will be addressed (recording).

> L&L Eurad-Deep borehole Repository of HLW

Further information here
