Deep Bore Hole report – SITEX.Network ; this is a report on the state of knowledge and first assessment of the pros and cons with regard to safety and society concerns towards deep-borehole repository of high-level radioactive waste that have been presented during the Lunch & Learn session from EURAD here on Thursday the 19th of May 2022 (presentation & recording).
The report includes 7 parts:
- the introduction
- the methodology
- an overview of various borehole disposal developments since the 1950’s
- a SITEX.Network bibliographic review
- a Workshop about the bibliographic review
- some conclusions
- and references
“Many countries are developing a geological disposal project to dispose of their high-level radioactive waste (HLW) and potentially their intermediate, long-lived radioactive waste (ILW-LL) as well as spent nuclear fuel (SF) when considered as waste. The most widely selected option is the deep geological repository (DGR) concept, a mining repository located underground in a geological layer, in which conditioned waste is disposed of. Many countries are currently investigating this option; in particular, sites for such DGR has been selected in Finland, France and Sweden. Implementation of DGR programmes have started in Finland and Sweden. A site selection process is underway in several other countries, such as the United Kingdom, Germany, Switzerland, the Czech Republic…”