A SITEX.Network activity in 2019 is to build a state of the art review regarding the different possible concepts for Deep Borehole Disposal (DBD). Many countries develop programmes for the Deep Geological Disposal (DGD) of high-level and long-lived intermediate-level radioactive waste. The most widely considered option is the emplacement of waste packages in a mined repository located underground in geological layers. As a possible alternative, the emplacement of waste packages in deep geological boreholes is under consideration. Investigations on this option started in the 1950s, especially in the USA and pop up again recently in Europe in discussions on geological disposal of radioactive waste.
A recently started SITEX activity is aiming to build a state of the art review on the different concepts of DBD that were or still are investigated for high-level radioactive waste. The literature review will synthesise the scientific and technical results of these investigations, as well as the associated safety issues and societal concerns. Any bibliographic input that you would like to be considered in this bibliographic work is welcomed (contacts: muriel.rocher@irsn.fr ; Nadja.Zeleznik@eimv.si).